
Neuromantic V1.5.1

V1.5.1 fixes the irritating 3D visualisation error, and should now run successfully on any passable computer. Again, it does not currently subsample the stacks images, so I wouldn't expect great results with stack resolutions of greater than 1024x1024 pixels, unless you have few slices.

This will be resolved in future releases.

The luminosity of the 3D display of the stack is generated with application of the current histogram stretching settings in the "Image processing" panel in the 2D window. So, if 3D volume isn't showing up well, boost the luminosity and regenerate the textures (by disabling then re-enabling the 3D overlay).

Also, the 3D volume currently doesn't look great from the top, due to the data not been pre-sliced that way. I may not bother fixing this directly and try to just replace the whole thing with a 3D OpenGL texture - I'm wasting quite a lot of memory with the current method.

However, to whet your appetite, here are some example renderings from the updated visualisation window. The data here is MRA (Magnetic Resonance Angiography) data from the Krasnow Institute, George Mason University, and the arterial reconstruction rendered was performed manually by Susan Wright using Neuron_Morpho. However, with any luck she'll be using Neuromantic from now on ;)

This is obviously a step away from the standard neuronal reconstructions that Neuromantic was originally designed to work with but, you have to admit, the data is exceptionally pretty! Unfortunately, when I visited Krasnow just before the Society for Neuroscience meeting I didn't have time to get my own head scanned in the end - I would have loved to have been able to put some renderings of my own brain on here.

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