
Update on Multiple Stacks with Neuromantic

At CNS 2007, several people requested functionality for Neuromantic such that multiple image stacks could be loaded in simultaneously, some as a prerequisite before it could be useful to them.

Now, mainly because I find it hard to resist a challenge, I have been working on this very problem. It is not complete yet, but in my current test version it is now possible to load and display several stacks (although the semi-automatic tracing has not yet been updated to work with this). Also, it is not yet possible to register the stacks yet, but that's just a straightforward case of adding functionality to the GUI to alter the various stack parameters.

As well as each stack having its own global offsets in the space, each individual stack bitmap will be able to be perturbed in x,y a little to account for any jitter that may be present, in a similar way to the Reconstruct application.

Finally, I'll need to sort out some appropriate memory management so that the application will load/free bitmaps as required dependent on the memory available.

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