Neuromantic Goes to CNS 2007
I'm off to the International Computational Neuroscience Meeting 2007 this weekend, where I will be giving a short one day workshop on using Neuromantic to reconstruct neurons - the workshop description may be found here.
Title: Reconstructing neuronal morphology from serial image stacks
Organizer: Dr. Darren Myatt, Cybernetics, School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, UK
To further understand the role that neuronal morphology plays in brain function, it is important to be able to generate appropriate models of dendritic morphology from a variety of microscopy techniques. Although several good free databases have come into existence over the last few years (mainly exploiting the SWC format), there is still a general paucity of reconstructed neurons available for statistical analysis and comparison.
This half-day workshop, which is open to all CNS attendees, will provide practical experience of reconstructing dendritic trees from image stacks using the freeware tool Neuromantic, and thus may be useful to anyone interested in creating or analysing reconstructions of neuronal morphology. If you wish to take part, please bring your own laptop that can run or adequately emulate Windows.
In an ideal world, I would have been able to run the workshop in a computer lab, thus removing the requirement for bringing your own laptop, but due to CNS taking place in a convention centre this was not possible. My current plan is to give an introductory presentation about reconstructing neurons in general, and then provide an example stack which people can reconstruct in order to get the hang of the application, as well as gaining further understanding into the problems and ambiguities faced when performing such reconstructions.
Of course, it'll also be a great time to get direct feedback about the application from the Computational Neuroscience community and suggestions for improvement.
Title: Reconstructing neuronal morphology from serial image stacks
Organizer: Dr. Darren Myatt, Cybernetics, School of Systems Engineering, University of Reading, UK
To further understand the role that neuronal morphology plays in brain function, it is important to be able to generate appropriate models of dendritic morphology from a variety of microscopy techniques. Although several good free databases have come into existence over the last few years (mainly exploiting the SWC format), there is still a general paucity of reconstructed neurons available for statistical analysis and comparison.
This half-day workshop, which is open to all CNS attendees, will provide practical experience of reconstructing dendritic trees from image stacks using the freeware tool Neuromantic, and thus may be useful to anyone interested in creating or analysing reconstructions of neuronal morphology. If you wish to take part, please bring your own laptop that can run or adequately emulate Windows.
In an ideal world, I would have been able to run the workshop in a computer lab, thus removing the requirement for bringing your own laptop, but due to CNS taking place in a convention centre this was not possible. My current plan is to give an introductory presentation about reconstructing neurons in general, and then provide an example stack which people can reconstruct in order to get the hang of the application, as well as gaining further understanding into the problems and ambiguities faced when performing such reconstructions.
Of course, it'll also be a great time to get direct feedback about the application from the Computational Neuroscience community and suggestions for improvement.
Labels: cns 2007, neuromantic, neuron
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