
Improving selection ability

Some further updates have just been added based on selecting and editing points.

* Individual segments that overlap in x/y can now be selected much more easily than before in the 2D window - it will now select the closest segment to the cursor, rather than the first one in the list that satisfies a closeness threshold. This should make editing trees significantly simpler.

* Existing segment points can now be dragged about in the 2D window. In Tree Mode, simply hold down the left mouse button and start dragging the point around. In order for the point to start moving the mouse must be dragged over 4 pixels first: this is so that segments are not accidentally dragged when selected.

I also intend to update the bottom scroll bar so that when a stack is not loaded in the scroll bar can be used to drag over the Z range of a loaded reconstruction.

These will be the main updates that will form Neuromantic V1.3.2, along with a few other minor bug fixes.

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